[SFM] Metal Gear Solid FM - GAME END - Mafia & Traitor win

There is literally nothinf about this in the game how do you know

Redirection counts as feedback.

/vote Magnus

Uh… why?

I literally said redirection counts as feedback.

Not usually only to invests is the common rule

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I am such mgs nerd so I know lot flavor that I will figure which characters and items will represent the class you roll into.

I also thought that would be alignment-wise it is impossible for scum to roll item class.

I know one mgs character who is capable of doing redirecting, the name is Psycho Mantis.

Why me fry me etc.

Oh and I let you know that I am most likely have the most votes on me.


What is the current VC?


Accused Voters Votes
Htm DatBird, Magnus, Frostwolf 3/7
Sulit MaximusPrime 1/7
Magnus Astand, Endoftheworld 2/7
Frostwolf103 Htm, Bazingaboy 2/7


Accused Voters Votes
Magnus Datbird, Astand, Lymphoma 3/6
Frostwolf Bazingaboy 1/6
Bazingaboy Frostwolf 1/6

Typo or accurate


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Okay so, if Magnus flips W then Datbird would at least be cleared.

If not then I am getting questionable look on you, DatBird.


Cool cause your questionable as can be

:skull: game

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Just vote frost smh

Baz, I am tired of you. Go hunt scum

Ur scum

But you are too afraid to vote me.