[SFM] Metal Gear Solid FM - GAME END - Mafia & Traitor win

Also I don’t buy it from Baz, if there’s someone who he protected from maf, he could say it now.

I rolecopped frostwolf he is ascetic miller

Commuter, what happen to it?

Also. Ascetic Miller?

No I am logger.

Stop lying.

Especially you are saying a box can’t be killed?

Shouldn’t you have no result on me since you mentioned I am Ascetic?

Just kidding

Uh huh right

It’s a meme from last year

The first thing Luxy did in the game was to say he has no abilities in our chat, but he didn’t post in the thread at the time.

He posted in thread notably later (that single post of his).

Pretty sure it’s 3-3 with votes for now on Luxy and Frost, L-2.

Pretty much what neighbore means. Is it exclusive for neighbores only? Baz seem to be bodyguard of some kind?

What’s exclusive for neigbors only? I myself have no abilities except a private chat, yes.

Idk what Baz is, I was asking in case there is another reason for a missing kill last night, but doesn’t seem so.

Also I misread that Baz was in your chat, but you meant Luxy from previous messages ago.

Yeah, of course I meant Luxy.

What do you think of Baz’s vote reasoning on me this time?

You mean this?

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Honestly after sleeping on it, I’m still somewhat conflicted about today’s lynch in general, but Baz not explaining his pushes properly is typical for him. IF you are somehow town, that’d make Baz almost certainly scum, but I don’t really trust you still.

What I’d want now and what should have happened in a proper game is to hear more from Andrej, Max and Luxy himself, but doesn’t look like we’ll have the luxury, because they are afk or not talking.

Tbh it might be the case that Baz is with Luxy from what he said.

That would be ideal between me, Luxy and Baz.

But only if you are town, because I don’t think Frost/Baz/Luxy is realistic team.