[SFM] Metal Gear Solid FM - GAME END - Mafia & Traitor win

May I add that Frost just randomly joined the party of accusations on me for no reason and just left

Can people seriously stop reading with the TVB meta?

I was read with it like 3 times in 3 seperate games (SFoL 48, ritual mafia 3, FoL 21) as scum when I was town.

I think 2/3s of the time it was from me to, doesnt mean I’m right, doesnt mean I’m wrong. Prove me wrong

I would try to contribute more but literally everyone is inactive and I can’t make accurate reads with less than a 100 posts.

(I once heard someone say that for every 4 people there is usually a scum so there should be 3 scum we have to identify, idk tho)

But here are my reads so far:


EOTW - Seems like a VI. I don’t think they would be that obvious as scum. Plus we have to look at the motive, why would scum want to blindly start sheeping?


Frost - Randomly said I was scum for no reason… and then he just left. If that doesn’t scream scum than what does?

Dat - kinda similar ritual mafia 3 meta going on. Quite unsure about this one, but I don’t think he would be scum with Frost

Wait why say this when earlier you pointed out the possibility of there being neutrals :thinking:

Are you neutral?

Changing my Dat scum-read to be more neutral-sided if there are neuts

Nah I only been town and Neuts in Fols. In Fol 19 between the three times it was rolled I was neut twice

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Accused Voters Votes
EndOfTheWorld Datbird 1/7
Datbird Htm 1/7
Htm Astand 1/7

What did he mean by this

Why do you think there is a third party

its stated in the op that there could be a third party. Now why did you only say “Test” when you came into the thread with ur first post?

It’s more interesting than saying “I’m here but I don’t feel like posting right now”

Well I guess thats fine its still a bit weird imo, but whatevs. How ya feeling about HTM?

I never mind lynching HTM but I’d want to wait for everyone else to post some stuff first

HTM is like less trolly Hjasik it’s impossible to tell if he’s mafia lurking or legit gonna get replaced out

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Im gonna say EOTW is town


It feels so empty without king noob and hjasik

Just gonna say that the only thing I know about metal gear series is “Spy box”
Anyway, EOTW is VI and Baz post so far seem more townie… than usual? Those two are my town read

Is being more towny than usual good or bad

i dont think anyone is aware this game started