[SFM] Metal Gear Solid FM - GAME END - Mafia & Traitor win


I cant wait for the host rant. Cuz this game was terrible from town play, so much afk and scumminess indeed. I did bad, my reads were shit, but I guess we keep trying to improve

You are still town MVP.

Frost didn’t understand LYLO mechanics.

Solid Snake

Mafia Hammerer
Whenever a player is at L-1 that you haven’t voted, you will automatically hammer them anonymously. This is enabled by default, and may be deactivated at any time.


Vulcan Raven (Town Strongwiller)

Grey Fox

Mafia Framer / Neighbor
Every night you may frame a player, making them show up as mafia to alignment checks. You are also apart of a neighborhood which you may speak in at all times.


NGSF : NBC (Town Neighbor)


Third Party Traitor
Every night you may choose to visit a player benignly.
You win if the Mafia wins. They know your identity.


Decoy Octopus (Town Anti-Framer)

Now don’t try to say what I don’t understand!

I know what Lynch or lose means

You voting Lymphoma there meant autoloss.

But honestly I think I would stop joining FM related games and stick with FoL.

I am terrible at this

I apologize for being so afk but I mean this game was rough for all alignments and I really didn’t know what to post :100:

And even suspecting Lymphoma in the first place was WTF.

I said I am terrible, ffs.


I’d say the setup was fairly even.

Town got 3 PRs, all of which were relatively low on power.
Scum could have pushed the game to MyLo on d3, but with Banker/Commuter I was expecting something to happen.

Overall, Dat gave a valiant effort to win.
Frost…I don’t balance around the flavor. This is a simple FM game, which is why flavor wasn’t relevant. I’ll make this more clear in future games I host.

What was Max?

Flavor wise and hosting wise it was great. I wish this could have been played with the original size cuz I would love to have seen more of this, cuz Metal Gear and a Geyde game seem to make a great game.

Metal Gear REX

Town 2-shot “Fake” Poisoner
During the night, you may choose to fake poison a player. They will be notified that they are poisoned and will die at the end of the next night if not healed. If you target the same player twice it will be real poison. If you die at any point the poison will go away.

The effect was never going to go off unless they hid really well.

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Lol, I knew this would actually show somewhere

MGS1 game without REX?


But, yes I am actually expecting some activity from all players.

I would have proper MGS FM sometime


That wouldn’t be iconic without it