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Jgoes is Jane

Hi I’m Jgoes :wave:

Ah. Okay.

Am I allowed to make another account and use that one?

I wanna be Evil Morty!


Alts are not allowed on this site, it’s admin policy

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speaking of that
why are the dozen alts from 2018 not all banned


I don’t think I can comment on specific cases

…this is a signup thread. Not a general thread.
Go to the cookie thread for general stuff.

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Even ones that are confirmed as someone?

Is changing your name allowed?

Changing your name is allowed if you go through a mod, most mods won’t do it if you’re alive in an ongoing game

Alts aren’t allowed even if the identity of the alt is publicly known

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Can I change my name to Evil Morty?

No, because spaces don’t work properly on Discourse and ‘Evil Morty’ contains a space

Evil_Morty would probably work if it’s not taken

Actually I’ll just be a generic name.


I want 12Modes to be my name