[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan oB_L1ght, Fossil, Alice 3/8
EVO ModeShifter, clonedcheese 2/8
oB_L1ght Hippoyeetus, TrustworthyLiberal 2/8
clonedcheese GreenCatKid 1/8
TrustworthyLiberal Evil_Ginger 1/8
Not Voting KyoDaz, Crimson97, soolit, PokemonKidRyan, EVO

Because I’m having trouble figuring out who’s scum and the fuckin PoE of Light, PKR and Cloned that people are given seems shot and Cloned is the least amount of loss out of the PoE.

Yeah, but it’s a bit of a controversy as to whether to lynch him, I want to see both side’s reactions etc. Plus, no one would agree to lynch the real fucking PoE so this town is doomed to follow the lose streak anyway

new development that i forgot about
what was this about again

Wait but light is suspicious.

Thank you.

They seen EVO visit Kyo.
Alternatively, EVO could have converted Kyo or used a scum action on them

@TrustworthyLiberal I hard claimed, if you missed it.

What has happened

incase anyone was wondering

And wait, what about Hippo?

How long are we from EoD

Why isn’t Hippo in the fuckin PoE?

What did he claim!

That…doesn’t make sense to me???

I’d only imagine the aliens to convert, which is impossible since EVO is certainly not an alien.

Stop. Using. People’s. Claims. To. Read. Them. Or. Decide. Whether. Or. Not. They. Are. In. PoE.


53 mins. Top wagons are EVO, cloned, and PKR.

This seems super fake lol

Why isn’t Hippo in the fuckin PoE?