I’m being unclear or imprecise with my messages, which is painting me as scum, which is taking the spotlight off of actual scum. So, once again, sorry.
Low-Poster. Policy PoE. (I know it is day one but these reads are loose, just trying to get a handle so I can progress).
Involved in mech-convo early Day 1. Knows Seth from somewhere.
This post is informative and helpful to another player when he could have just spelled out the acronym and got a way w/o further explanation. Could be NAI but i’ll note it just in case.
Early D1 jump on a vote, acting as if they believed the meme of Crimson revealing his Rolecard being red, was legit. Looks like a possible opportunity push on an obvious meme, but that would be pretty…well…obvious. But he could be new, so I’ll keep it noted.
Also beware, everyone; this one makes gut reads.sigh
Solid defense against confrontation about possible W/W relationship with DryBones Seth. Generally gives same vibes always gives, but using my Vanilla Nightless experience with her she seems more self-righteous about her defense. Could also just be NAI if she thought it was ridiculous enough ig.