[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

Yes I admit my wording isn’t all that great but my point about it was soolit had a Paragraph rather then the one liners that I usually see from them.

Was poorly stated by me, sorry. I wanted to emphasize that we were not sharing a chat outside of this thread.

Geez, I really am playing poorly. Sorry guys.

I don’t see a reason to apologize here?

if i get dayvig’d day 1 for being at work im gonna send hate mail

I’m being unclear or imprecise with my messages, which is painting me as scum, which is taking the spotlight off of actual scum. So, once again, sorry.

Are we gonna ignore this rando question btw

Incoming nigh-useless D1 reads


No one. I trust literally no one.



No Poster = Policy PoE.


Low-Poster. Policy PoE. (I know it is day one but these reads are loose, just trying to get a handle so I can progress).


Involved in mech-convo early Day 1. Knows Seth from somewhere.

This post is informative and helpful to another player when he could have just spelled out the acronym and got a way w/o further explanation. Could be NAI but i’ll note it just in case.


Early D1 jump on a vote, acting as if they believed the meme of Crimson revealing his Rolecard being red, was legit. Looks like a possible opportunity push on an obvious meme, but that would be pretty…well…obvious. But he could be new, so I’ll keep it noted.

Also beware, everyone; this one makes gut reads. sigh


Solid defense against confrontation about possible W/W relationship with DryBones Seth. Generally gives same vibes always gives, but using my Vanilla Nightless experience with her she seems more self-righteous about her defense. Could also just be NAI if she thought it was ridiculous enough ig.

What’s the reason you’d be shot here?

idk, ami said s/t about who to vig shot and sulit said me or cloned

Why EVO?


Play Da Game You Signed Up For!


note that i made that vote before i knew about them being not so new to the game

also whats wrong with gut reads?

Eh, either way, looked like a meme at a glance to me. I could be wrong ofc.


thats kinda the case for most d1 reads but i get your point


also what do you think of everyone else?

All no posters get policy-PoE. This site is bad at ignoring no-posters and over-scrutinizing the ones that do talk

So some are trying to change that lol

ofc that means D1 has a prettyyyy big PoE, but it’s a work in progress

Also, if we are okay doing vibe reads on occasion Ami gives me a weird vibe. But that is unreliable so do with it what you will