[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

Player Cop Claim Info
KyoDaz One-shot Weak Minded Fullcop TrustworthyLiberal - Town
Fossil Naive/Insane AI Night Cop TrustworthyLiberal - Town /\ oB_L1ght - Town
EVO Werewolf Hunter KyoDaz - Not Werewolf /\ Alice - Not Werewolf
Evil_Ginger Alien Hunter Hippoyeetus - Not Alien /\ EVO - Not Alien

Geez, I’m still not confirmed after legitimately being the only one on the PKR wagon at one point yesterday?

Hm? I confirmed you, I thought?

Anyway, /unvote for now. I’ll be on very little today. I have a lot of homework. Same with tomorrow as I have DnD. Still, I’ll make sure to read the thread when I can.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Evil_Ginger oB_L1ght, EVO 2/6
GreenCatKid Evil_Ginger 1/6
TrustworthyLiberal Hippoyeetus 1/6
Not Voting Crimson97, KyoDaz, GreenCatKid, soolit, TrustworthyLiberal, clonedcheese, Fossil

This is a hard one I’m really not sure whodunnit

If there’s multiple factions shouldn’t we not go off of interactions with mafia

Like I could viable see something like 2 maf 2 werewolf 2 alien or smth

I think we have to vote ginger today tbh

Voting trustworthy seems insane given our mech info.
Light is other option but light has given far more town-motivated content than ginger.

That just leaves ginger in Alice’s POE which im p comfortable sticking with today.

Plus his ATE is not a good look sadly.

But we know there is an Neutral aswell, there cane bt 2 maf 2 ww 2 alien and a neutral in a 17 p game.

Also idk what aliens and ww do but theres only been 1kpn


I believe ginger has done the ate thing before but I don’t remember what his alignment was


I think the “bastard” elements refer to Fossil, and the “red herrings” are the ww and alien hunting roles. They dont exist.

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Bastard element is insanity I think, and mafia roles that are normally town

I agree with this conclusion.

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Mafia Gladiator and Mafia JOAT aren’t bastard, I’ve seen both before in non-bastard games tbh. The only bastard mafia role is probably mafia Innocent-child. Mafia jailor (torturer is it called?) could be bastard I guess.

Unofficial End of Day 3 - Countdown


can’t be naive, should be paranoid instead

This marks two neutrals. At least one of these is a red herring, maybe both

No new discussion?

It’s weird, everything has gone silent.