[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

Based on Cloned’s wallpost, I have a pretty good idea of what behavior they would follow as scum or as town, so only time will tell on that slot @KyoDaz

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Based on the obvious(?) intent that was expressed.

Wow when I have 10 minutes to talk everyone dissapears

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I would park my vote on PoE but I should inform everyone now that I possess a passive that inhibits my voting based on certain conditions.

i mean at this point I think we see that activity = NAI


This is optimal behavior for both alignments
I really don’t see someone TRing someone else for “sound reasoning” when they have made like 2 reasonings

would you like to share the contents
doesn’t have to be now, just asking if you are willing to divulge the talk in your neighborhood

my vote’s still on Light.

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hi hello
as much as i want you to talk to me
unoptimal behavior here :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, he probably forgot powerwolfing existed for a second there.

o-okay i stay inactive then

one day people will learn that activity is NAI

until that day comes

we fight

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The more I think about it, the more Cheese seems like scum, especially with his push on the neutrals at the beginning, and now his continuance of pushing on me. /vote clonedcheese

this OMGUS dont look good man

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Tell me what that means, please.

idk if I agree with that

Neutrals are a direct threat to scum except for Jester

OMGUS means “Oh My God, You U Suck” (i didnt invent it dont ask)

it means when someone suspects you, and you point the finger right back, usually defensively

To be fair, I called him scum BEFORE that, too.

But the vote happened now afaik

No, vote was a while ago. Let me find it…[quote=“clonedcheese, post:348, topic:81472, full:true”]


im confused
/vote oB_light

There we go. 18h

… it didn’t work
gimme a sec

did it work this time?