[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

I try my best! Mostly because my elementary school hammered it in so hard that it’d be a waste not to use it.

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I do too but here we are

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I use it in most of my posts… I’m offended.

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I omit certain commas for undramatic effect.

Well that’s a nifty little thing. It also means I have plenty of time to sleep! Night!

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and thus the thread dies again

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I’m still here

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Goodnight, I don’t know you much but sleep well.


There’s a difference between “almost all” and “all”

As a grammat nazi who doesnt use periods and apostrphes, I feel like Im obligated to make the distinction

Wow I always use grammar smh my head.

Cool kids ignore grammar.

I gotta say i miss having pages. I’m not used to this forum layout.

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You know how weird that sounds right? Talking about reads is good no matter how many posts you have. He’s taking sides and not fencesitting, which i like. He needs to explain his read on Sulit but that’s about it.

Why do his first 3 posts matter here?

This is just a general observation but i’ve seen some people making hasty conclusions here. For example: “Player A defends player B then if one flips scum the other one does too”

It’s D1, idk how the meta is in this site but scum tends to spice their play. They won’t always defend their buddies and they won’t always push town.

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And by that i’m not trying to discourage making those kind of assoiations. Sometimes you can clearly tell someone is not scum with another person with just one interaction, but you gotta get in scum’s mind and try to guess how they’re thinking.

@PokemonKidRyan @ChopChop

I think you might be in a team together. What do you have to say?

/Vote ModeShifter

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
clonedcheese Ami, ModeShifter, Hippoyeetus, oB_L1ght 4/9
Italy soolit, KyoDaz 2/9
ModeShifter GreenCatKid, Crimson97 2/9
DannyThyGamer Wazza 1/9
oB_L1ght clonedcheese 1/9
Not Voting Italy, Fossil, Alice, EVO, DannyThyGamer, TrustworthyLiberal, PokemonKidRyan

EOD is within 11.5 hours.
In other words: 2020-04-26T20:00:00Z

I think you’re crazy