[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

No, nothing of that sorts. It was just your general flip-flopping all over the place.

He’s accusing me of bussing Italy, when he was a solid null for me.

I mean I thought it was common sense that gladiators could be scum
Also this replacement has just entirely screwed up that slot, yikes. Where are the ghost hydras.
I can’t figure out whether or not Danny purely pocketed me or if he would’ve given decent reasons

Yeah I reckon there’s gotta be at least 1 scum in the italy wagon. Esp cuz i literally townread most of the people on the other two wagons more than the Italy wagon lol.

@Hippolytus, this is what I got from your ISO.

Okay, right off the bat Hippo is pretty aggressive by voting Light, saying that he (Hippo) is locktown, and then townreads Sulilt. Extremely suspicious for that much near the very beginning of the day.

Then he thinks Kyo might be town, and Danny might as well? Who throws out that many reads in almost as many posts? This is suspicious.

Then he moves to Italy despite saying he’s comfy with Light? The hell is going on here?! Ah, then, of course, he claims to have an ultra-powerful role that can singlehandedly win the game for town come day 3. Because of course that makes sense.

12th post, and finally there’s something productive(?) in that Hippo properly voted Cloned with a proper reason. Oh, and now he’s scum-reading Kyo. I…I think I’m just going to give up. I’m hard scum-reading Hippo due to their extreme wishy-washiness of their first posts. I’m going to keep reading anyway, though.

“Light and Cheese are my two biggest scumreads so far.” So then why did you back off of Light for Italy in the beginning of the day?! And then he goes to vote Italy. Again. Yeah. Granted Italy was scum, but still. It’s just…make up your damn mind.

Proceeds to attack Italy for the next 30-40 posts. Hey, EVO, want to hang Light with me? Then goes back to attacking Italy. Oh, you know, I haven’t brought up Kyo in a while. I can vote them. Danny seems scummy too based off of their small ISO.

Strongest scum reads are: Italy, Light, and Cheese. Has barely mentioned Cheese for a while now, same with light, but you he’ll vote Danny with Wazza. Yeah, okay. Back to Italy right after.

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I’m going to check ob and Crimson’s progression on Italy/Cheese once I finish eating. I don’t think any of the earlier votes are bussers, except maybe GCK, though his suggestion of lynching Cheese was pretty towny for being contrarian.

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To be fair, I played extremely shitty day one. If I didn’t kinda seem like scum I don’t trust your reads.

good to know, glad i could convince you

Mm. I don’t like that, Hippo. Please give a genuine defense/reaction.

By the way guys, I’m totally not saying this to bait attacks onto me but I’m useless until the Final 5.

Wazzaaaaa :slight_smile:

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I chucked out reads in the hope someone would ask me why or agree with me or start and discussion. How can chucking out reads off the top of my head as they come to me be wolf indicative. Like yeah I didn’t explain all of them, but no one asked me to. It’s not like I avoided any questions or discussion - i was trying to start them.

I backed off light because I scumread him after 100 posts. 600 posts in he was no longer my biggest scumread obviously.

I townread Wazza and Danny had done nothing. Helping townreads apply pressure to their wagons is always helpful.

All in all I can’t see much of what you said to be scum-indicative. Changing one’s mind is not scum indicative, villagers can change their mind lol.

Heyo bud.

I mean his accusation is pretty bad, I thought my interactions with Italy were so clearly not SvS I would be attacked last night lol.

Anyone who reread yesterday or many of my posts shouldn’t rlly need me to give that much of a defense lol.

This is what I had said before you voted me, Hippo. I didn’t really care before, but walk me through how this was scummy, please.

True enough.

I dislike vague “this is what you should do to do well as town” advice giving, esp early on. It always seems like scum trying to seem helpful and as if they’re trying without ever having to commit or put anything on the table. (for similair reasons I threw a scumread clonedcheese’s way im p sure).

Wasn’t a particualrly strong read but it was 57 posts in and I wanted to do something. And it’s always best to present reads stronger than they are to increase the chance of scum overreacting or something - saying “welll im voting this person but its kinda random and i wont push it” is hardly going to merit any worthwhile reaction.

This is obvs true but it wasn’t an obvious villaer reaction so didn’t merit me moving my vote off you instantly. Part of me thinks responding to a vote against with you with “this is probs random” is kinda weird.

Tricky boss fight in Kingdom Hearts. I’ll be back soon.

Okay, thank you for the thought process.

I didn’t realize that was how it was received, as that wasn’t my intention.