[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

oh whoops I stole your vote.

my b <3

…let me sum up my ability in a meme.



You’re an alien?! Then…are you attacking NUF PA? Should I send the squirrels?

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oh same.

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I actually…have to rethink whether or not my check could be true or not. I didn’t take the sane/insane thing into effect

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You know…I could easily sum up mine in a meme too. Only it would be too obvious.

This is a bastard game, so…

I mean, if some guy go less around pointing fingers at someone saying they are a body snatcher or something…idk if I would believe them…

I could do mine with a single picture, but it would be obvious as well.

Yeah but not in the moment when you were trying to get people to speak. Inactive people were alredy pinged at the SoD. They know the thread is there but likely have nothing to speak about. You should give them something to talk about.


The thread dies down for 2 reasons.

Low wim: Can’t really be fixed.

People feel like they have nothing to talk about: Can be fixed by asking questions to people or producing content. Wazza was doing none of those things.

Repinging them at a relevant point is always good, what are you on about.

I’m playing with my family.

I wonder where crimson goes when we talk about them? :thinking:

Oh shit my iso

To the mafia chat to ask my buddies for help.

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Honestly the fact that Wazza fails to see how pinging people doesn’t help makes me doubt my read.