[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

Am I having to claim already?
This is a fun situation to walk into.

Or he’s an actual wolf-aligned Alien Hunter. You’re assuming way too much mech-related information in a bastard game.

Green what advantage was there in claiming your role?

Seems about right

night inactivity vig

Is this not weird to anyone?

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Alice, Fossil 2/8
clonedcheese ModeShifter 1/8
Crimson97 soolit 1/8
oB_L1ght Hippoyeetus 1/8
soolit clonedcheese 1/8
Not Voting EVO, Evil_Ginger, KyoDaz, GreenCatKid, Crimson97, TrustworthyLiberal, oB_L1ght, PokemonKidRyan

The way it’s looking, PKR plans on being active today.

I can see if someone is an alien. I also said that if someone does what my role is in irl then they would seem insane.

No, CT is the actual name of an Alien Hunting role.

A hard-claim might keep you from getting lynched, though, PKR.

I do indeed plan on being active and I’m ready to claim whenever.
I only came back this game, I’m not gonna be MLd :expressionless:

If PKR Claims I think Alice should Soft Claim.

Like Investigative, Killing or Something Else

Oh, I didnt know that

because my ability will only activate on n2

and if i claimed any later no one would really believe me so i wanted to put it to good use

Alright, thank you.

It just means low posters will post min amount to avoid dying tho, making you useless if ur true.

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Hippo, yes, which was why I thought it was weird that PKR chose soon after that to come back.

I’m Parth37955, Town JOAT.
I’m a 1 shot Jailkeeper, Tracker and Doctor.

I assume scum have some sort of delayed kill due to the Doctor part.

I already claimed.

RC with a modifier.

N1 was on Crimson, who’s a protective. I made my check on him seem like a tracker so he’d be less inclined to lie about his visits, and since he’s a protective that visited Hippo then I don’t think he’s a wolf if Hippo’s V.