[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

Jailkeeper is confirmable due to (x) player being unable to visit and (y, z etc.) being unable to visit them.

I will admit I cannot prove myself alignment wise. But my 1 shot tracker and 1 shot jailkeeper can both BE proved.

No but if he Tracks Mafia and gets them lynched or Protects someone from a Mafia Attack he is Confirmed Not Mafia but possible Alien.

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Does anyone not have an invest ability lmao

It’s honestly possible EVO is Alien actually and would make sense

Evo was checked as not alien by evil?

I mean from a Alien!EVO Perspective they would know mafia is still a large and post that if they were shot would make sense.

They posted the Reads if shot

Which confirms them as not Mafia IMO.

They were?
Then that means EVO can only be Neutral.

Do you have one?

The protection likely will be harder for proof, but possible.
After all, with the tracker if we can PoE who mafia may be then the tracker shot is more likely to succeed than not.

/vote pkr

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Or… town??

Wazza didn’t have an investigative ability…

Like, stop talking about your role, start talking about reads so we can get a better read on you.

I’ll do my reads when I can.
I understand pressure being applied for now though.

I’m about to watch a movie, but will do my best to keep up and respond when possible.

I’m about to pass out from exhaustion and pain so maybe I will be up. I still dont know who to vote tho

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I have a tinfoil that’s probably wrong but I still have one

…which is?