[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

You literally quoted the post they vote for PKR and Immediately Unvote after wards. Did you read the thread around this post or just see a vote and quite it?

I think I agree with that Alice has been acting pretty Towny this game and like that even that they scum read you that doesn’t cloud you judgement of them I’ve seen that to much of late with reads from people. (in general not just this game)

I think you need to seperate those groups a but I don’t know how am on the same level as these others I haven’t been here at all enough yet.

Also why is Crimson such a high read town for you?

Okay I’ve read up on most of today.

Still think Light is likely mafia
ClonedCheese has been looking better over all might look again at a latter day but they can live today I think.
PKR’s claim to track tonight and check neutral works out for us 9/10 times I think.
Crimson with Alice’s claim I guess can live today but will look back there tomorrow I think a Mafia Protection role makes sense.

(Hypothetical Light Vote cause am on phone and can’t find the Bold option will quote this with a vote in like half an hour when I get out of bed.)

If I had to pick a bracket for myself to track within tonight, it would be from 6 and below on my rankings list.
That way it has enough people in it that I’m not a high priority target for scum.

I’ll explain both of these things in a bit. Just replying here so I can note it for when I’m on laptop.
Mobile’s a nightmare.

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Yeah it is but also nice to not have to get out of bed for longer while playing mafia.

/vote light

Did light claim?

Light soft claimed something like they take 1 less to hammer I think.

I will additionally be guessing for the neutral tonight because my role is a trap without Ami tbh.

Also, I’m clearly not the neutral. My progression on Italy was not feigned. Doesn’t take Alice to see it either.

dont lol

only make people in POE guess its dumb if you guess

/Vote Light

(Finally got out of bed long enough to vote)

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Alice, Fossil, oB_L1ght 3/8
clonedcheese ModeShifter, PokemonKidRyan 2/8
oB_L1ght Hippoyeetus, TrustworthyLiberal 2/8
Crimson97 soolit 1/8
soolit clonedcheese 1/8
Not Voting EVO, Evil_Ginger, KyoDaz, GreenCatKid, Crimson97


Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Alice, Fossil, oB_L1ght 3/8
clonedcheese ModeShifter, PokemonKidRyan 2/8
oB_L1ght Hippoyeetus, TrustworthyLiberal 2/8
soolit clonedcheese 1/8
Not Voting EVO, Evil_Ginger, KyoDaz, GreenCatKid, Crimson97, soolit

Why is light under fire again?

Alice is either some how wrong with their reads or they are confirmed scum

Like I really don’t trust Alice here nor do I think people should be so willing to follow her