[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

Yeah but town was dumb. Being TWTBAW is one thing. Willingly playing badly is a completely different thing. Town should have called you out for it.

The situation with sulit is different. She is not trying to play badly, just different.

Town literally caused all 3 mislynches that game. D1 and D2 only Traitor was voting the lynched person and D1 we didn’t even know the Traitor.

Actually, willingly playing bad was a game strat for Kyo that game as he was going to be our first ritual (original Alice but we decided Kyo was better), since Kyo was universally townread.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
clonedcheese Ami, Crimson97, ModeShifter 3/9
oB_L1ght Hippoyeetus, clonedcheese 2/9
Crimson97 GreenCatKid 1/9
Not Voting Italy, KyoDaz, PoisonedSquid, Alice, oB_L1ght, soolit, EVO, DannyThyGamer, TrustworthyLiberal, PokemonKidRyan, Wazza

/vote Wazza @Zone_Q11


Interesting, cheers.


Ugh… Done.

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It’s your own fault :^)

I know self-meta is not amazing but mechanical talk is just something I do, y’know.
(Just catching up rn. Doesn’t seem much of note has happened though)

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
clonedcheese Ami, ModeShifter 2/9
oB_L1ght Hippoyeetus, clonedcheese 2/9
Crimson97 GreenCatKid 1/9
Not Voting Italy, KyoDaz, PoisonedSquid, Alice, oB_L1ght, soolit, EVO, DannyThyGamer, TrustworthyLiberal, PokemonKidRyan, Wazza, Crimson97

Jesus. Can people get here already? Inactivity is an issue on why Town keep losing.

I was warned about town keeping losing.
That is one explanation for it, another explanation could be mistakes made by town or mafia/scum tactics being too good.

Unfortunately I have not been around for a while though, so I am unsure.
Would it be wise for me to have a look at any recent games here?

last game, the mafia tactic was something like

“just let town kill eachother and then swoop in to instantly end the game”
and yes, it worked

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Well considering I was scum in around 4-6 of the fucking recent ones sure go ahead.

how it worked, we may never know

yup, we pro-gamed it :sunglasses:

D1 and D2 mislynches were caused by Town with only the Traitor voting them.
D3 it was caused by town, we just ended it.

i meant short fuse

So, that confirms it’s not the mafia tactic professionalism
Jk, I’m gonna check some out because it’ll also help me see recent meta for y’all.

mafia wasn’t responsible for a single kill, not even from pressuring others into detonating, until the end where the game was instantly ended by plurality bomb