[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

(and when happens to be very soon most of the time)

I like how all three of you complain about activity but don’t actually do anything about it.
Why is that PKR, Wazza and Italy? Couldn’t you have asked something to eachother? What’s your read on eachother?

@Italy is your only way of reading through interaction or have you just not actually done anything

Perhaps if you read my posts then you would see that was not the intention at all.
In fact, I’m thinking you on purpose tried to shade me here Kyo.
It’s as if you’ve tried to do the simplest push to redirect attention to us three.

I’ve been trying to get discussion to happen (Yes, I misspelled activity. Big whoop)

This entire post is practically shade. You ‘encourage’ discussion yet you’ve literally admitted you’ve talked mechanics and claim that the reads I put out and the whole discussion towards Seth, Crimson + Sulit is, and I quote, ‘Doesn’t seem much’

Wazza is sitting over here complaining about activity yet hasn’t made a single read
Italy is flooding their ISO with fluff and much like Wazza hasn’t made a single read. He’s practically emulating Wazza’s gameplay except he isn’t the one to initiate the activity concern and he’s hyperposting fluff.

But obviously these whole statements; no, facts are shade. Try again.

Ok, if you wanna play it that way… I do speak mechanics, it’s what I do. It’s what I always have and always will do plus since this is a bastard game it is IMPERATIVE we keep this in our minds at all times.

As for the ‘Doesn’t seem much’, I meant most of what was said while I was away didn’t seem like much, bare in mind this was like 10±ish hours that I was meaning. Was not meant to aim at what you said, so if you took it like that, I apologise.

If none of you actually make a single read what are we supposed to talk about


I just pinged a bunch of players telling them to get here.

“haven’t done anything”

I’m busy working on my game and yes I have reads, this damn thing isn’t hard to read when you have less than 500 posts.

The fact it’s a bastard game means we stay away from mechanics at all times.
Why would talking mechanics help us Day 1 in a closed bastard setup where the whole premise is literally red herrings?

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If you have reads I’d prefer you state them.

Do I have a reason to? no.

Agree to disagree.
Say someone tries to guess the neutral [redacted] role, I’m pointing it that it has a 1/(Player numbers-1) * 1/3 (At least) chance at working.

I’m doing this to make sure people ARE careful. But then pointing out the fact that the possible jester mentioned is meant to provide cover potentially. Aka be careful, but not too careful. Don’t take unnecessary risks that could cause town’s loss.

d1 is meant to be calm and fun
nobody ever understands this but i generally don’t play that seriously until at least day 2

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Yes you entirely do if you’re town. It’s called ‘winning’

@Italy link me your last town + scum game please

last town game was FoL27
last scum game was short fuse

but town kind of imploded in short fuse so i didn’t really do much

If you don’t believe it’s sufficient then send me your second last scum game

hydra 9JK
which is a game that made me very disappointed in myself and i never want to speak about it again

Yikes, not doing anything seems to be a reoccurance on both sides for you Italy.
You’re going to need to do something. Give me a read on PKR and Wazza at the very least.