[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

**/vote @TrustworthyLiberal **

I’ll claim if I need a reason.

Cloned’s prolly V from him choosing Italy over Danny unless Danny’s a wolf as well.

Thinking either ob or Crimson is a wolf here for their extremely late and sudden votes on a flipped wolf.


Ami was a sanity cop
which is like
not a cop

You were in neighbourhood with Ami right?

Ami, Italy, Fossil, and another person.


fight me

I’d give my role, but I don’t know how much that would do since this is a bastard game.

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Hey Cloned, end of D1 you were saying I was TvT with Italy. Where do you want to go from there now you were utterly and devastatingly wrong/scum?

We’re also in a neighborhood with @TrustworthyLiberal.

Italy was mafia. Bow before me, peasants.
I can give the information that my role is influenced by the sanity mechanic as well.

sulit was pretty angry at me for not switching yesterday

/vote soolit

good morning

had to reset the page to start talking lol

Oi, cloned, you have to admit, if sulit flips wolf there’s no way I am.

I strongly disagree with this. Scummy people, like yourself, started voting Italy at EoD. I agreed 100% with Sulit that it looked bad and in the end I was surprised when Italy flipped scum as a result.


Can confirm that i am in a neighborhood here with them however feel outing the last member wasn’t needed but since a mafia already flipped inside i think mafia already know about it.

Oh there we go.

Do you think Alice had good reason to town read Italy from your chat interactions?

Hey I died

And, yes, Kyo, you were right on Italy. Remember the like seven trillion times I said that Italy was playing like JK9?

Oh, and when cloned said that judging them based on that was a bad idea?

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