[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

Format isn’t copying

Also when you make them make sure to @ me or I might miss it.

Don’t shoot me because from Italy’s interactions with me I think it’s pretty clear we aren’t both scum. I do love bussing and I don’t think my posts neccessarily mean I’m town because I could that as mafia, but I don’t think a case can be made that the way Italy reacted to me comes from scum to scum.

Don’t shoot in Sulit, Kyo (I guess altho he’s still my spice neutral pick), PKR (purely tonal, i wanna see what he does today cuz plausibly he was setting up a counterwagon to Italy in Kyo but i dont see it), or Wazza. Reason being I townread them.

I’d shoot in Light/Green/Cloned/Crimson/Liberal/Cheese. That’s like half the players but whatevs fight me. Unsure about Liberal having ISO’d them tbh.

I wanna believe Danny slot is town and Ginger has had alright entrance today so i’d rather them not be shot over others but i don’t think id massively object to it.

That was like super cluttered but honestly I’m not sure on the one person I’d shoot atm.

I come back
after class

and what is this that I see

I like how you have me twice on there lmao

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Why don’t you make yours then.
And I’m still waiting for @Alice to do theirs.

in progress
wait one moment please

Who are you leaning towards atm, say a name to make someone sweat.


I’m busy rn. I’ll make it when I get time.

Alright, better be juicy

Hippo if you guess for the neutral tonight I’ll do it as well

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Oh yeah I forgot about Alice. I wouldn’t complain them being shot cuz their one interaction with Italy was just copying what others had said and kinda shaded them but they never voted them. And if Italy never posted in their neighbourhood that’d have been a redflag for me which they never mentioned. And they kinda just dumped their vote on danny all d1 and didn’t do much.

Ami kill is weird with Alice being mafia though, I’m pretty sure Alice could pocket Ami being in the same neighbourhood, and Alice was having Ami as a hightownread. If Alice was mafia Ami kill makes very little sense (unless someone else in neighbourhood can bring anything else to light).

Also if you shoot Alice and they are town and you are town prepare for the wrath of god to be brought down upon you in deadchat so have fun with that lmao.

Dont shoot me because hippo is town.

Shoot kyo because they weird and I dont remember why

Dont shoot hippo because he town

i’ll probalby guess n3 if we kill a mafia today or tomorrow cuz why not. im like always getting it wrong tonight tho lol

I’m also thinking Kyo as well but not sure

Where’s your format?

Where’s your thing?

My what
You what

My thing is in my pants where it belongs.

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