[SFM] Rokugan FM (22/22) - Started

Oh. That’s very doable.
Dunno who the mods there are though.

Join the game you nerd, I want to watch you suffer.

@Mercenary, @Geyde, he’s in. (Do we have to wait until Merc comes back to edit the OP?)

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id consider making a MU account if FoL happened there tbf

no it looks weeb :wink:

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I have to wait until merc is back

FoL on MU

Even more weeb than MLP FM?

i don’t know if i consider MLP weeb

i consider it a few other things :eyes:

…has this actually happened?

Welp okay then.
…so, one more player?

Good luck. Dunno who the mods & reviewers are, but it should be doable.

But you are the weeb.


If that gets approved you should let us know cuz I would join that


My very first FM that is outside NUF and MU:

Kinda imbalanced, but it was damn fun.
I love playing as mafia afterwards.

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Normally I would say there’s no chance, but Zork managed to get his Jester Cult game approved, so who knows

Honestly, I might consider joining the game at MU too. Still…their forum is so bad in my opinion due to the very few alerts you get.

I have the sneaking suspicion that I would get lynched D1 if I joined this :eyes:

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Then join! There’s no harm in that!

it was a joke

Can someone link me to a game where a mindflayer won? Also ./vote Amerlia
