[SFM] Rokugan FM (22/22) - Started

oh yeah, i’ve done a bit of that too, but you need friends for that, and friends are hard to get




I related to that hard ngl


introverts rise up


yes please

Meanwhile I’ll post a little flavor for you guys! I love Rokugan.
I’ll start from the founding of Rokugan to nowadays and then jump to pre-history.
Basically in the start of the world there was Nothing. Nothing created the Three Gods That Shall Not Be Named, and those 3 gods created Amaterasu and Onnotangu, who had 10 children together.
8 of those children fell to what would be Rokugan. One of them died in the fall, going to the world of the dead, and another landed in Jigoku (basically, japanese hell).
Those 10 divine children were known as kami, and of the 8 children who fell in Rokugan 7 of them founded the 7 Great Clans by their lineage. The remaining one? He became the emperor, and his lineage is imperial, not tied to any clan.
Here are the images of the great kamis. Ofc.

Akodo, founder of the Lion Clan

Hida, founder of the Crab Clan

Bayushi, founder of the Scorpion Clan

Doji, founder of the Crane Clan

Fu Leng, dead lord of the Shadowlands, patron of the Spider Clan, followed by Daigotsu

Hantei, first Emperor

Ryoshun, guardian of the ancestors

Shiba, founder of the Phoenix Clan

Shinjo, founder of the Unicorn Clan

Togashi, founder of the Unicorn Clan

Telling more about them individually next time I feel like it.

tfw no one answers your question

They get the same role

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Basically if you open the link inside each spoiler, you’ll see that the flavor for this is INFINITE
I have flavor material even if everyone somehow randed in the same family

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One person can be Mirumoto Kaichi, another can be Mirumoto Haruhide. Both have the same class.

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Only joining big games with ITAs here from this point on.

ITAs on a 22er is very not recommended

I’m not arguing with that.

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/In but if anyone wants to hydra a slot lemme know fam

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Lesdoit Sully

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