[SFM] Rokugan FM (22/22) - Started

I feel like that no-swearing month really helped but that failed quickly.

Stop being sorry, seriously. It’s alright. You were just really motivated.

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it’s very possible to both never swear and be a huge douche and swear a lot but not be a douche at all

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want me to backup so u can play with them?

im also down for this

(myself backing up that is)

i honestly should spend more time finishing dat and my setup
He’s spent much time helping there so far than I have

so . . .


It’s fine lol if y’all want to play stay in

nah lol
i’d rather have the time to focus on dat and my setup

ive seen you play ToL and i think only once have i seen you be anything worse than “nice”

i don’t hold your temper against you because i don’t think you’re a mean person in spirit

it’s sad that some people may never see that side of you though because you’re a good kid :wink:

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I think that’s you?

You sure N?


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Alright, /in

Time to tunnel sulit D1

oh no

It’s gonna happen

First chance I get I’m voting you

I feel like I should say on this note that I’ve been getting progressively lazier and can’t promise a ton of activity or to remain completely on task

tunnel away!

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Hi yuzen o/