[SFM] Rokugan FM (22/22) - Started

and that’s how you become a furry

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I claim no responsibility in any such occurences!

OH Nooo… :shushing_face:

cats do not equal furries

they are too majestic to be put in such a level

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wait are we allowed to talk?

Yeah game hasn’t started yet

Altho apparently hes sent out who the scumteam is which is kinda weird

oh ok.

I haven’t received my role pm yet so I’m just gonna go.

well, you have to say which clan you want to be part of first

We actually prolly shouldn’t talk if hes sent scumteam altho he didnt say not to

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We should probably stop talking just in case

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let’s quiet then

…didnt he/she say he/she hasn’t sent out the scums yet?
I’m pretty sure there was a joke about somebody being scum in the beginning, so they said it isnt decided yet… or something? headtilt

well idk, i don’t think this was a joke



Alright, I have created a PM with the Shadowlands members now

I’m lazy so no PM = town

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I think Merc would’ve done that already.


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Stop discussing it or people can gain info from alignments pregame which is Meta-gaming and not allowed.

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please stop talking in this thread if you aren’t in the game
Yes, the game has begun

This is so confusing.


Pregame hasn’t ended yet, cause it hasn’t been announced to have ended.