[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

And why?

This is the truth

Neutrals exist. So why can’t an NK exist.

Mechanicaly it dosent make aense

Like there is totally a way a NK exists

Who reviewed this game

I am a neutral letter detector

I can tell if someone has the letter “a” in their name

for example, i would get a “no” for Bluestorm

and if they do i can permanently ban them from the forum and banish them from the internet

Also I am locktown And I treat you nicely UwU

It makes sense, stop bullshiting

This is not the truth

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No mechanically a NK dosent make any sense in this game

I mean, hells to it.

I’m gonna be over here being all supportive of Wazza until we both die. If that means I eat pie because of it, then eh. In for a penny and all that.

Like I feel like this either a scumslip or just dumb. There is nothing confirming no NKs

There can’t be a neutral killer based on what my win condition is

I’m so dead cause Wazza is gonna kill me at night.

NK is all clans at once

You are a neutral too?

Oh btw, following players AREN’T in the Spider Clan:

  • SirDerpsAlot (Tested it before he full-claimed)
  • Italy (Forgot I tested this one earlier and was still asking Italy for claim lol)
  • Napoleon
  • Marshal - Don’t actually know that, I tried to retest him but obviously it doesn’t work like that, either way he’s a double voter.
  • Emilia

Right now I’m testing:
Italy claiming the bleed.
BlueStorm claiming to be in Spider Clan.

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This is the truth


Well you have to better than “there can’t be any neutral killer lol”