[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

what the fuck. Please tell me you’re meming.

Don’t vig marshal


vulgard is lock wolf

Voutecount - Day 1

Voted Votes Voter
Vulgard 3/11 SDaL, Marshami, Arete
Marshal 1/11 Vulgard
Emilia 2/11 Emilia, Hippolytus
N. 1 1/11 Sulit

derpclear denied

vulgard is literally never town here


vul scum but so is marshete

no I seriously don’t know, somebody enlighten me.

it ends now do the vig or night will start

me marshal arete vul scum team

there is exactly 0 way vul thinks that day ends in 45 mins

that post was 1000000000000% ingenuine

I’m still waiting for a serious response.

shoot me. now. do it now

/Desperado shot Vulgard

I will tell u after u vig

marshal please tr me daddy

if he’s town good luck everyone

arete shitty reactiontest is shitty

If you knew me youd know I never joke.

literally everyone sees thru that omegalul