[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

very hard disagree

So you claim to be a god then Wazza. Yeah right, your NK. Akodo is a EMPIRE ALIGNED GOD NOT A NEUTRAL YOU LIAR!


This is idiotic

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Alice scum opinion

well I didnā€™t receive any results on if you are lying or not, same goes for Italy, so either Merc somehow missed it or hasnā€™t came online yet


itā€™s defenitely possible and sheā€™s big on my radar

Eaten by his father

His father Onnotangu hunted his children down

sounds like my kind of guy

This is forum mafiaā€¦

ā€¦Thatā€™s like saying Nagito would be hope-aligned.

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Oh boy

Itā€™s almost as if the host can change the conventional alignments of characters in order to prevent angleshooting

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Fuck marshal why are you trying so hard to powerwolf

Iā€™m pretty confident marshal is powerwolfing

Someone Occupy Wazza and we lynch this tomorrow. For sure. Then weā€™ll see what comes next from the flip, assuming the flip isnā€™t somehow cleaned.

Marshal does have a double vote so idk.



Where My powers now?

Italy told the truth about them having a bleed ability (Sorry Italy)
BlueStorm is not Spider Clan.

@sulit Say you ainā€™t spider clan.

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ā€œHey thereā€™s anticlaim mechanics!ā€

Someone claims to have a role something to do with claiming AND SAYS THEYā€™RE IMMUNE TO THE ANTICLAIM

ā€œWow, lets do whatever they say! Thatā€™s so smart guys!ā€

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Marshal described how he powerwolfs during poison and Iā€™m 90% sure heā€™s doing that here

coming in 10-15 minutes

No. Lynch me.