[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

aww I don’t count.

how many you need?

See. Wazza just lied. he claimed it was 11 but now he is claiming it is more. This is the anti-claim neutral killer. Lynch them tomorrow please.

only 1 now.

Oh god please don’t give it to Wazza

I claimed it was at 10 and if I counted I would’ve won.

Are you okay in the head?

sulit lie just once and wazza flips

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Wazza is definitely the neutral killer here tricking everyone into an easy victory.

@sulit please lie so I can die.


Tell the truth so he dies without winning at least.

please just be like:
“I’m in the Shadow Clan”

do it so we can move on from this and actually play Forum Mafia

So we don’t all spontaneously lose the game.

I meant Spider fyi

Stop posting.


Wazza is powerwolfing so hard right now. Can we not let Wazza just win?

Did Wazza Kill all of us?




Some Rokugani mythology walltext here.

In the beginning, there was Nothing. But this was not merely a void or an emptiness. It was truly Nothing – an utter lack of matter, of space, even of time. There was no form or substance and yet this Nothing was whole and complete. It was perfect.
At some point, however, the Nothing developed awareness. Why this happened is probably the greatest of all mysteries, but it was the genesis of everything that came afterward. The Nothing became aware of itself and, since it was perfect and complete, realized that this was and always would be the full extent of its awareness; it could only be aware of itself, for there was nothing else. Faced with this fundamental truth, the Nothing experienced its first emotion. It felt Fear, because it was truly alone.
After Fear came the Nothing’s second emotion. It felt Desire – a Desire for companionship so it would no longer be alone. Such was the intensity of this Desire that for the first time a turmoil arose within the Nothing. It became less than whole and complete. It became imperfect.
This led to the Nothing’s third and final emotion. It felt Regret. It had made itself imperfect and diminished itself. However, as is the way of Regret, this realization came too late. From the swirling imperfection something new had been born. This new thing was substance.
It couldn’t impede the Nothing, however, to try to impede what it just had done.