[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

relevant parts bolded

syndicate anticlaim: unbalanced

merc: yeah but what if…


@Mercenary Can I link the Scumchat discord?

this is very much anti claim if someone can make the game end immediately if x amount of people claim

I’m kind of done talking about this game

I fucked up on the win condition bit
But everything worked as intended, with the imbalance coming about due to misplays.

And that’s how I reviewed the game.


So I was a retributionist and the reason I wanted waz to die so bad by winning was i was gonna revive him immediately after in the hope that it cancelled his win just to meme him.


Also one of the best things that came from this whole game:OutstandingPlaysItaly

this but replace the Marshete image with literally the entire game

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tbh if you died before me I’d steal your ability and revive you


I feel like the biggest part I dislike about this is that Scum are powerless to stop this.

Welp that wasn’t meant to be a reply


anyways imma get black out drunk

see yall


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I thought you knew he uses light mode

Light Mode = Die Code
Dark Mode = k

Amber mode = Perfection

i did know that

i just bully him at any given opportunity for it

I’m going to murder all of you Dark Mode heretics.

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you cant say that was misplay unless it was stated that it was strong anti claim mech because anticlaim to most people means claimvig lvl threat