[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!


so it turned out that Wazza was a Neutral Killer (I don’t know if that’s an archetype NUF has? Serial Killer is a common example) who, if half the game truthfully claimed their abilities/clan/flavor/etc. automatically ended the game, with him and only him winning

you can probably fill in the rest


I see, yeah
Good game… i think

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thoughts on gypyx? and redrover?

I think Geyde is a bastard ngl

Redrover’s obviously town from his conviction here. I’ll still re-read Gypyx here as his comments regarding a spider clan having a certain ability feels like it doesn’t belong.

I can’t do this to you alice

Games over


Wait, what happened?

never add instant wincons
I learned the hard way



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Well, not that I added it
More like I didn’t oppose it enough

see I want to make fun of the fact that TWO PEOPLE didn’t notice that the thread says ‘The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won’

but I feel like the person I should really be making fun of is myself for allowing it to happen

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I had to troll alice a little

however the 2 people i named were mafia

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Oh, why did Merc think that it’d be a good idea to put a wincon like this in a game on this site? Of course this would result in a d1 win.


You can no longer complain when I FPS claiming completely bullshit abilities anymore because of this


I claimed my clan, ability and role name but they were all lies.

Like, as I said. In SFoL53 a third of BD claimed d1 without anyone trying to push for it. You’re basically seeing this wincon be fulfilled d1 or d2 at latest.

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SFoL53 didn’t teach you anything, did it, Geyde?

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No Red is Scum.
I thought he was Town too until the game ended with reveal.