[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

Yeah Wazza OP reeeee

This Moderror was perhaps the most crucial in ensuring Wazzaā€™s victory lol

@Redrover1760 you poor soul, why do you want suffer after the game!

I retracted the hot sauce one

I am instead eating an entire mechanical pencil

get with the times

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Youā€™re not getting lead poisoning on my watch!


Lying Darkness has an active ability that says something bad can happen if you accept something they propose

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ive done it at least 9 times before

if you want i can take the lead out


I have done LW as anti-claim mechanic before
I like wacky anti-claim mechanics in general

Iā€™m debating if I should count this as an actual game or not.
Should or shouldnā€™t it be on my record?

Like looming threat, this game never existed and we never speak of it outside of this thread.

What game?



At least Looming Threat took like 4 days for the wolves to win. A d1 win here is reallyā€¦ something else.

But Rokugan was actually a good game
Just some few aspects were bad

How can you say that if the game barely started?


Imagine calling Looming Threat bad right to the person who made it

Wait, havenā€™t they made lead in pencils illegal?

If the anticlaim was changed and or removed this would be a really dope setup (also not as bad now that we know itā€™s this bad but also have you met the people on the fourms)

Rokugan didnā€™t even start because of how busted Wazzaā€™s role was.

Looming Threat wasnā€™t balanced, but at least it there werenā€™t any major oversights such as the game potentially ending in the middle of d1 because of a mass-claim.