[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

Marshal is power wolfing

No actually. I think it increases Napoleonā€™s scumminess. Maybe scum trying to blend in but at the same time make a stupid play like that.

I might just be paranoid but I think marshal is trying to powerwolf

No it wasnā€™t


I doubt it. Marshal at most is a dumbwolf. He asked Vulgard to d1 vig him. How does that correlate with powerwolfing? Iā€™m curious.

no, just stating a fact
when iā€™ve tried to defend myself as LHF with defense in the past, itā€™s blown up horribly like with Dangan, SFoL 53, Auction Mafia, SCP FM, and others
Iā€™ve played dozens of games on this site. Please review at least a few of them before making grandiose statements about my intentions.

Why not

What didnā€™t you like about it

Marshal didnā€™t belive Vul lol

Also still kinda think itā€™s W/W

Why would VulAmi vig another wolf? This makes even less sense.

Bruh this is his first game calm down

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Jesus N.1 that lost was so fucking wolfy

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I defend myself always and it always helps

substanceless stuff like this is what lost town SFoL 53 and Dangan

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none of these are particularly amazing.

itā€™s a wallpost. it had a few reasons but none of them out of really any wolf range.

so i feel that this is a hard overstatemnt

are you sciencing or just legit thinking this

Iā€™m not trying to saying that pushing onto other people isnā€™t a worse or better idea, Iā€™m simply trying to say that unless you already have a good idea of who scum are its probably not a good idea to push on others, especially in a manner that looks like revenge. And if you do to give good reasons. Oops I probably should of said that first instead.


your defenses are just spamming ā€˜I am locktown why are you scumreading a locktown personā€™