[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

you poor, innocent fool

What? X)

I think Geyde already announced that but just to be sure, KyoDaz has replaced N. 1

studies show that people in this forum are twice as likely to claim if anti claim mechanics are known to exist

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Oh lol, quite a bruh moment

:crab: :baggage_claim: :gun:

I still need another replacement.

Well, as an NK it would make sense for him to claim Yogo, as it would make a reason for why some peoples are dying


i cast uno reverse card

wait fuck omgus is bad

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He locked himself into just killing lowposters now, which is bad for wolves.

And by claiming vig as a 3p he pretty much made himself a big target for the wolves, which is not a good idea for a NK to do.

Itā€™s why I think Napoleonā€™s just poor-playing town.

You cant

the slankvig requirements are the days multiplied by 20 so itā€™s not like he wasnā€™t locked into killing lowposters

double negatives are confusing i had to take a moment to check if i worded my own sentence correctly

Theoretically if someone is quicklynched than a Yogo or fake yogo could kill people anyways.

how does one fake yogo
why would one fake yogo

Yeah, but what are the odds of that happening before number of required posts becomes too big?

Probably as a town play to pull attention off of real yogo. If there is a real Yogo.

20 posts a day
itā€™s not that difficult