[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

I don’t think we can get anything better from it atm

I can try and brainstorm if you want me to think more about it

Read the fine print.

yes but if someone is in that clan they are locked as scum

otherwise testing for clan does about nothing

I’ll think about it.

Do we want DatBird to claim the big boss man role too?

yes but anyone can roll any other clan

dat’s play is charachteristic of that spider charachter too tbh

testing for claim is semi-useful because scum and town aren’t going to chose non-Spider clans at the same rate

nah spider clan in general is more helpful.

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Well, If you want to use it on me or Arete that would be better. Because Arete is already outed everything and that would give us a confirmed townie instead of just risking a chance.

this mega scummy if dat is scum

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Eh that’s probably true

Go spider check if you can’t think of anything else


@Marshal I can re-test you at 16 players left, same goes for Nappy.
I can only re-test honest players at 9 players left.

there is a guaranteed daigotsu and we want him out asap because he has an alternate scum wincon

Hot take

DatBird scum and Spider clan
Wazza claimvig using claimviggability to test for trueclaims

Wazza is suddenly reluctant to do this because he doesn’t want to be forced into either potentially-mech-outing himself or bussing

By the way. I request protection, from any clan far and wide.

This is good because a positive on a lie doesn’t activate the cooldown

that take sucks hard

normal take: dat/redrover w/w

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No I don’t want to waste my final use on something irrelevant.

You want me to do it then fine.

Give me a sec.

Well, first, the way that she states scum should’ve bussed N.1 anyways, second, the fact that she’s not aware that N.1 has been replaced