[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

i mean he did catch you as scum

so like there’s nada you can do

i saw his classcard from jesus

Literally I recieved a PM instantly saying: “You are neutral, you’ll receive your classcard soon.”

I tried to select Scorpion clan but Merc was like: “lol no you are clanless”

None of what Wazza’s saying actually makes sense but I’m at the point where like, we lynch the people Wazza redchecked and if any of them ever flip town we kill him

thus even if he’s scum we’re forcing him to bus all of his packmates

I wanna bang my head against the wall.

Go on.

Someone, anyone tell a lie or a truth and I’ll prove it.

@Arete, @Marshal and @Redrover1760 are locktown currently so why don’t we continue that trend.

I don’t think Wazza could come up with this much BS this quickly

@Gypyx and @DatBird you mean?

That’s why they’re both denying it so much.

I think there has to be some truth here

Thank you!

Well, funny thing is that i’m not scum so yeah, pls reconsider what you’re listening to

Wazza is locking me as town when he should be lockscumming me for accusing this. He’s fake as fuck.

yes you are

No, there’s definitely some truth here to what Wazza is saying. I know that.

Anyone who lockscums me is probably town, and anyone who locktowns me is definitely scum.

i am currently in wazza’s classcard and he got the check

Imma say now I have a very similar ability to waz where I need half the players in game to tell the truth and I’m also neutral and have a similar lie detector which is why I was suspicious in the first place.

I’m confused as hell but I like the game state rn

Yeah so I asked merc and he said everyone has a clan

wait what

i’m ALSO a neutral lie detector