[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

No wazza don’t expose everything!


“Mantis Item Giver” does not stop someone from being scum

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no clue lol, I just know you’re a devil dealer and you struck a deal for a gun at the price of your life on D4.

DO not do that. You give NK win when you do that.

no im the devil

wazza is definitely fucking with us here
and rover is somehow falling for every last bit of it even though we’ve already called this out five times
personally i’m impressed

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This is the truth

Wazza you are clanless right?


and then wazza

I’m. Not. Fucking. With. You.

That’s correct, indeed.

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Based on what merc said Wazza could be telling the trithv

yeah! wazza isn’t fucking with us! meanies!

Fuck off I’m legit dying on d4 cuz I took the deal?

oh shit just saw this.

That was a lie of mine.


Then Why is Italy So happy

then theoretically it’d be safe to bleed you
after all, it’s just a neutral

I specifically believe that Wazza is neutral.

Whether or not the nature of that neutral comes back to haunt me later on in the game, well, we’ll see.

Is there anyway I can live past d4?