[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

you said i never bled anyone
and then immediately backpedaled calling me healer

no it doesnā€™t as I can confirm you as not-spider clan.

Why are you so reluctant.


Italy, he found Gyzyx as Spider Clan. Do you think that is bullshit or not? Cause that means at the very least Wazza lied about not having infinite uses.

And he claimed he had only 3 uses.

Because youā€™re obviously bullshitting

I called you a player who bled someone.

Merc never responded to me in the 35 minutes I gave them so I assumed well you lied.

But they told me theyā€™re busy so I have to quote all of the lies I posted.

I donā€™t have to tell the truth.

What do you not get about the part you fucking cunt?

He also correctly confirmed that I am Mantis clan and not Crab Clan.

What sulit saying is true while itā€™s Very small there is chance that he could have ability to nuke if Thats What scums anti claim mech is


Which is true.

I. Am. Neutral.

I have no reason to help Town yet I helped them anyway and this is how I was treated for it.

Yes, and wouldnā€™t you be dead if I was a claimvig?

I could have easily been lying twice there.

The claimvig is probably at night though.

So whatā€™s your point here.

Am I telling the truth about what I say?
Am I lying?
Am I a claimvig despite the fact multiple people would die?


All youā€™ve literally said were my statements were false but you literally havenā€™t given any motive behind anything youā€™ve done.
Where is your explaination for claiming slankvig?

Already explained