[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

well apart from the Dat part.

@Vulgard we lost D1 without you this is why you shouldnā€™t have outted :sob:

Iā€™m PISSING myself.

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If people hadnā€™t forced a known bad play, then it wouldnā€™t have happened
Itā€™s balanced, but not very fun

I said as much multiple times

I dont see poss in player list

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27 hours.

That has to be the fastest win, non-turbo, on the site, right?

you played great wazza
played the game right into their urges of mechclaiming in a game with anticlaim


They replaced out during pregame

Nightfall replaced Possessed, IIRC

We actually knew about Shadow Corruption from one of our classcards, a Spider Framer, but we just knew it existed. We correctly deduced it was the Anti-Claim mechanic and considered we may have an LW or now an NK. When you started claiming so OP class we knew you were LW or NK for sure, and when you revealed Scum you basically got confirmed as NK 100% or horrible neutral. Neutrals donā€™t get invest abilities so we pegged as NK so early so we started counterpushing. The goal was to lynch you or if that failed to STrongman kill you at night, ending your threat.

except it was almost all flavor claims which is fucking BS

wazza did fine but NK wins there iā€™d say a good 85% of matches

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fake claiming is not known bad play

It doesnā€™t trigger on fake claim

Tbh i realized at the end that wazza was gonna win cuz all the obvs scum were so hard against it but i just wanted to see what would happen

itā€™s awful to make assumptions on how anticlaim will work based on how it worked in another game

I mostly feel bad for mercenary tbh, merc must have worked so hard on this game and it sucks for it to end d1.


what did it do the text is too long

But to be fair, I was literally calling it instantly. I knew exactly what was going on, and while I was clued in literally everyone ignored me cause Datbird messed up and posted when he shouldnā€™t have. Oh well.

Almost like someone warned against claiming

No Iā€™m not fucking salty. No.

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Itā€™s cuz u were also obviously scum lol