[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

reee Merc no you’re a great host.

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Just 1 fault with a classcard, don’t leave us ;-;

You inspired me to stay on these forums over a year ago, don’t leave pls.

I disagree, you are a great host, things happen. I liked the idea a ton and my classcard abilities were quite interesting.

Especially don’t leave hosting. The game was great but just because 1 wincon ruined it doesn’t mean you should leave just like that.

I already left the forums, I just came back because I really wanted to host this.

Every interaction was accounted for
I didn’t see any holes (having cards being generated pregame was where I fucked up in not paying enough attention)
And it was Merc’s intention for the nk as it was
For all intents and purposes it was balanced, outside of player misplay

So ye, it passed review.

I didnt claim lol.


Classes: Courtisan, Shugenja, Bushi, Monk. All ninjas and berserkers are considered to be Bushi. All maho-tsukai are Shugenja. All engineers and alike are Courtier if they aren’t Bushi. Related to flavor.
If I ever lack flavor for the scum (Shadowlands) members, I’ll take flavor from a normal town (Empire) character and add “Corrupted” to their name.
Minimum Players: 17 - 4 scum, 13 town
22: 5 scum, 16 town, 1 NK
Scum mandatorily spawns with Daigotsu.
There can be more than one person from a single family. They will all have the same classcard, but different flavours.
There are anti-claim mechanics.

Crab - defensive
Hida - bushi: Target a player. Defend from all non-Daigotsu scum visits.
Hiruma - bushi: Target a player. All actions performed by bushi who visit them are redirectioned to you.
Kaiu - courtier/bushi: Bulletproof vest giver
Kuni - shugenja/monk: Finds if a player is a member of the Shadowlands. Results are always correct.
Yasuki - courtier: Transporter. Can’t transport Daigotsu.
Toritaka - bushi: Delay all actions targeting a player by one night (They will take effect the next night).

Dragon - investigative
Togashi - monk: Weak Hider.
Kitsuki - courtier/bushi: Flavor cop. If they cop, they can’t be defended from attacks by any means.
Mirumoto - bushi: Knows how many players visited all players from your clan. Can, at any time, select a player and a night. If they are a member of your clan, Mirumoto dies and all players who visited them a given night will be killed. If they aren’t a member of your clan, Mirumoto dies anyway.
Tamori - shugenja: Can select a wagon to check if it any scum members voted it. Daigotsu will appear as a townie.

Scorpion - killin’ and shadow corruption skillz
Bayushi - bushi/courtier: Make a player start to bleed. They will die in two nights unless healed. This is a day action.
Shosuro immune to shadow corruption - bushi/courtier: If Shoshuro targets an alive player, they can remove one rank of the Shadow Corruption from them. Can’t target themselves.
Soshi immune to shadow corruption - shugenja/courtier: Knows the effect of the Shadow Corruption. Can infect a player with it if they don’t have at least one rank. To do such is a day action.
Yogo - shugenja: Kill a player if they have made less than 20*numbers of days.

Phoenix - support
Isawa - shugenja: Heal target player. It will remove bleeding and prevent normal attacks, unless that attack was made by Daigotsu.
Shiba - bushi: Link yourself to a player, a link which you can choose to alter once per day. If target player would be lynched or attacked, you will die in their place. If you prevented a death of a member from the Phoenix Clan with this ability, their flavor will be publicly announced. The effect of the link is roleblockable and counts as an action. Changing the target of the link is not, and does not count as an action.
Asako - shugenja: Your target’s next action or effect can’t be stopped by any means. If they have a conditional (such as only bleeding players can be targeted or Daigotsu can’t be targeted), it will be removed for this night.
Agasha - shugenja:Select a player. Investigative abilities on them will always display correct results.

Crane - wagonomics
Doji -courtier, bushi: Neighbourizer. The chat is closed upon their death. Can remove people from the chat at will. Can also send an anonymous message to a player in particular who was once a member of the neighborhood, but is not anymore.
Kakita - bushi, courtier: If target player’s wagon ever receives more votes than 1/3 (rounded up) of the total alive players tomorrow, Kakita’s vote secretly counts as double. If the target is a courtier, it backfires and instead target’s vote will secretly count as double.
Daidoji - bushi: 1-shot Gladiator. If you gladiate Daigotsu and they are lynched, all non-Empire members will be roleblocked on the next night.
Asahina - shugenja: Heal target player from bleed. They will also silently require one more vote to be lynched tomorrow.

Lion - support
Ikoma - bushi/courtier:1-shot day motivator. One time night immune, unless Daigotsu makes the attack.
Kitsu - shugenja: Receive a single message from the dead chat at the end of the night. Can seppuku to revive another dead player for the next day.
Matsu - bushi:Upon death, kills the hammerer. If there is even a draw, Matsu will be the one lynched.

Unicorn - misc, offensive
Shinjo - bushi: Roleblock a player at night, unless that player is Daigotsu.
Utaku - bushi: Can remove people from outside thread communication for the next cycle, unless that player is Daigotsu.
Moto - bushi: 3-shot PGO.
Ide - courtier: Target player’s vote will silently count as 0 next day.
Iuchi - shugenja: Redirections from target 1 to target 2. Daigotsu is immune to redirection.

Mantis - misc
Yoritomo - bushi: If a player claimed to not be a member of the Empire, even if kiddingly, you can kill them on the next night. Limited one kill/night. Daigotsu is immune to this.
Moshi - shugenja:Can take one ability from a dead townie.
Tsuruchi - bushi:Give an item to a player with any name you want. The item does nothing, but you will know if it is used when it is used. Daigotsu will be made aware that the item is merely a decoy.

“We serve Daigotsu, as will all in time. Accept me as your master, and embrace the inevitable.” - Nagataka
Daigotsu Kanpeki “Give me your blessing, father. Let me bring ruin.” (Shadowlands, Spider, Daigotsu, Monk) Scum wins the game at Day 5+ if both Daigotsu Kanpeki and Daigotsu are alive.
Goju Begins with Shadow Corruption (informed; hidden from public): Ninja if using the factional kill. Can disable one of the abilties of their targets at random, but can’t use this effect if they are performing the factional.
Ninube Begins with Shadow Corruption (informed; hidden from public): Framer. Target will appear as the framer.
Kokujin: Rolecop
Susumu: 3-shot Forger
Gyushi: Feedback replacer.
“An empty dojo, you say? Or simply Nothing there…?”

Daigotsu “I am the future of the Empire.” (Shadowlands, Spider, Daigotsu, Shugenja)
Immunity to some Empire effects. This includes investigative and roleblocking effects.
Immune to bleeding (Maho). Will know if you start to bleed.
Choose two at the start of the game:

  • You will randomly receive one classcard that is on the game, but won’t know from who it is.
  • The game starts with two random town players bleeding, dying in one night if not healed.
  • One person from the scumteam is made night immune at random.
  • Whenever a player uses a limited-use action, another player at random from the same faction is roleblocked.
    Those effects fade when you die.

You are ally to the Dark Lord Fu Leng. Whenever you die and is not the last member of your scumteam, you will ressurect in two nights. The exception is if you are lynched, where you die permanently.
Any - if a mafia member loses their abilities for any reason other than spending limited uses, recover this ability - 1 use
Day - target mafia member’s action will be made strongman - 1 use
Night - occupy a person tonight, they will also be immune to attacks. - infinite uses

The Lying Darkness
“In Legend of the Five Rings, name and history is everything. A samurai is defined by their family and clan. Their deeds only matter in the context of how they effect those ideals. The Lying Darkness strips all that away, leaving the samurai with nothing.”
Neutral, Clanless, Familyless, Classless
Named, not Tamed (Passive) - At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”.
Faceless (Passive) - To all checks made unto you from members of the Empire, you will appear as Shiba Kieru (Empire, Phoenix, Shiba, Bushi). To all checks made unto you from members of the Shadowlands, you will appear as Daigotsu Toshiro (Shadowlands, Spider, Daigotsu, Bushi).
Shadow Corruption (Passive) - You know the effects of the Shadow Corruption, who is Shadow Corrupted and the degree of Shadow Corruption they possess at all times. The Shadow Corruption has three degrees. If someone already has the Shadow Corruption, they will gain a new degree every time an even day starts.
In the first degree, nothing happens. In the second degree, all abilities and passives they have will be disabled. In the third degree, they will die, their flip will be cleaned, and they will be prevented from joining the Dead Chat. You will know what was their Faction, Clan, Family and Class.
Aditionally, you are immune to the Shadow Corruption. Finally, if someone claims at least one of the following: Ability, Family, Clan, Flavor, Class; they will be Corrupted automatically.
The only people informed of being Corrupted are the ones who start the game Corrupted.
Dangerous Deal (Day) - Make an offer to a player. “Darkness wants to embrace you. If you accept, you will be [effect]. Be careful, though, that dealing with the Nothing is dangerous business. You have 24 hours to decide if you accept it or not. Do you accept?”
The following effects are disponible. Choose one to offer:

  • Immune to attacks tonight
  • Cleaned from all Bleeding
  • Given an alignment peek
  • Given a gun
  • Aware from all feedback on you for the remainder of the day.
  • Shown as an Empire member to all checks tonight.
    You will know whether they accepted, refused or did not answer to the request. If they accept, they will gain the benefit and one degree of the Shadow Corruption. If they refuse, they will not gain the benefit and the Shadow Corruption. If they don’t answer, they will not gain the benefit and will gain one degree of the Shadow Corruption.
    If someone already has a degree of Corruption, you may give them more than one benefit in any subsequent Dangerous Deals. You can’t target anyone who is immune to the Corruption with this ability.
    Direct Elimination (Night) - Select a player to kill. You can choose between one of the following effects: You can’t be seen by any trackers or watchers tonight, you will be bulletproof tonight, you can’t be roleblocked or redirectioned tonight, the target of the kill can’t be healed or protected tonight. If they have claimed their family or flavor, you can choose two effects instead of one.
    Win Conditions: Only one of those need to be completed.
  • All players are dead.
  • All players but you are dead.
  • All alive players possess the Shadow Corruption.
  • All alive players but you possess the Shadow Corruption.
  • Half of the game (rounded up) has claimed at least one of the following: Ability, Family, Clan, Flavor, Class.
    When you win, everyone else loses, regardless if they have already completed their win condition. The game won’t end if you are still alive. You can win even if you are dead.
    Empire, Lion, Akodo, Bushi

The classcards.


And I was referring to the NK not having a wincon for half infected obviously

Shosuro immune to shadow corruption - bushi/courtier: If Shoshuro targets an alive player, they can remove one rank of the Shadow Corruption from them. Can’t target themselves.
Soshi immune to shadow corruption - shugenja/courtier: Knows the effect of the Shadow Corruption. Can infect a player with it if they don’t have at least one rank. To do such is a day action.

IMO those were the most interesting ones.

I dont think we should blame people for mistake in classcard or op you can say that situation was unexpected or something else but you cant call it misplay

Dude this is the most useless town role I’ve ever seen in my life.


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And I got it as scum and its literally the same

no it isn’t.

That’s actually really powerful when used correctly.

Can be used for hard jebaits

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Maybe but the Jebait potential seemed empty.

You could only select the name and no description

damn that’s a mega gamer moment class