[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

Looming Threat was a well-designed setup which had a lot of time put into it and you don’t think calling it bad is an insult to the host?

i think neither games were bad

rokugan was good minus the wazza thing and without that would have been a great game

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personally i only have two problems with the game

  1. Templar
  2. How justiciar works. I get the whole “Prince has to stay in hiding thing” (but the anti-prince weaponry is kind of insane) but the UNIQUE FACTIONAL INVESTIGATIVE isn’t even allowed to reveal their own identity, meaning they’re kind of just in split area of “If I claim justiciar, I die, but I also have a redcheck on syndicate” if they ever catch scum

Like if this was run again with no or a different anticlaim it would be a lot of fun

claim princess with a redcheck


Seriously, what the hell is even your problem? You consistently bash me because of SFoL53 just because of one aspect of the game that you didn’t agree with despite that plenty of people have agreed that they did enjoy it even it was very scumsided for a FoL.


Closed setup is closed tho

i don’t think that’s how princess works-

Guys keep n mind arete might not actually be Justi

yes it is

princess at that time(and still now i think) has an alignment cop ability

I had to be replaced out because merc invited me to someone’s classcard

Would work if I create five/six new classes and rework the Arbiter.

I meant rokugan

I only think that LT was bad designed. I’m not trying to insult you in any way. :thinking:

In this game?

what i’d change in looming threat is the templar and the “You claim, you get fucking destroyed” mechanics mostly

I think the arcana in LT was very well designed and possibly an interesting mechanic for a future game

but is it unfair to say the same about this game?

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Looming Threat ended up like it did because village did everything wrong.

  • We never lynched a wolf.
  • PRs were outed D1 and D2 (or both D1 if you caught Arete TMIing Luxy).
  • We used all our vigs on villagers.
  • We fed the anti-claim role to the point where I think it could trigger in the middle of D3, or something around that.

So basically, we did this to ourselves. The wolves had strong classes, but 80% of the loss can be attributed to lolvillage. I would even argue 90%+.


And why was it poorly designed in your opinion?