[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

Maybe for others. Not for me.

I call everyone him because I cant remember 90% of people genders

Try me. Really. Try me.

its right on the profile

its not hard

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As general rule because wolves are Expect to be more attentive

You think the opposite?

Im really lazy Ami

I get to kill anyone with less than 20 posts. Iā€™m guiltless too, did I forget to mention that? I wonā€™t have any regrets

Emillia is also probabaly town

Im top poster I think its time for me to stop posting lmao

Where I come from, both town and scum are inattentive bunch who prioritize their own logic over actual logic.

Your standards doesnā€™t apply to me.

No it comes Usually from scum being more self aware And therefore checking the mechanics to be sure What To do

Why do you think me being mistakes about that makes me scum?

So? Why arenā€™t you shooting yet?
Oh wait. Thatā€™s right. You have to wait 22 hours and 25 minutes for that to happen, donā€™t you?

Ugh. This conversation is stupid. It isnā€™t going anywhere.

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I might have to leave this game. Just giving a heads up.

Youā€™re right. I did it because I thought it was funny.

Brb im gonna go take a town/mafia quiz on MU relying on pretty much only gut

You know what though?

Iā€™m not actually being useful right now and I donā€™t feel like putting a lot of effort into reading.

Iā€™ll come back in an hour and a half maybe and pick it up from there.

Your ā€œusualā€ doesnā€™t apply to me. When it comes to rules, I am always attentive so I could find any loopholes to break.

There is no logic to me scumreading you because you made a mistake. My reads are as worthless as it can go, so Iā€™m actually curious why you are fighting to win my trust.
Me, a complete stranger with no ā€œinfluenceā€ whatsoever. Compared to Marshal, Arete, Derps, Vulgard, and whoever else has ā€œcharismaā€.

No one else accused me so

Yeah, but funny is useless to me right now.
Iā€™m not in the mood for jokes. You can still do it with others, but I politely ask you to not do it with me for the time being.

Ah. Boredom, is it? Intriguing indeed. But if itā€™s boredom, then why donā€™t you poke your nose to the current state of affairs? (P.S. I havenā€™t bothered to check whether you already did this or not.)

For example, it hasnā€™t even been 2 hours, yet there is already a duel between Vulgard and Marshal.
Then there is N.1 falling into despair to the point where he stupidly wanted to mechclaim
Then there is Derps, who got attention of more or less everyone. (I think.)
Then there is Derpsā€™ and Marshalā€™s useless claims.
Et cetera, et cetera.

We already have 700+ posts, and you chose to convince me -a nobody- that youā€™re town?
Ehā€¦ seems like too much work.