[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

No matter if they ends in a mislynch or not, they render much of a lot of peoples’ D1 ISO’s useless because they prohibit vote-substantiated pushes on the vast majority of players for the day


you are welcome to do literally anything except (a) complaining about people scumreading you and (b) making broad comments about FM strategy and perhaps if you do that I will consider reevaluating your slot

is this reffering to me?

the only chance I will do that today is if the find the time to ISO and meta people
As I said, that might happen, but since I don’t make promises anymore that I’m not certain I’ll be able to uphold, I cannot promise I will have the time to do so

no it’s referring to N

yes, i consider getting mislynched to be preferrable to making any reads that are not fully substantiated

Yes, you shouldn’t want nor accept getting mislynched unless your death will bring important info to town and there is no other way like the sheriff. If we have one, I mean.

Also, I feel like the biggest thing off is the lack of people posting. Only 11 people have posted more than 20 times to avoid being targetable by Yogo, which makes me thing a lot of people are currently just offline today, as scum wouldn’t want to die and town wouldn’t want to die and basically anyone wouldn’t want to die.

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You shouldn’t be mislynched for making reads, what experiences have you had with being mislynched for reading too much?

Games where reading to much when the reads weren’t fully substantiated got me mislynched / helplessly on the chopping block:

Auction Mafia
SFoL 53
Ritual Mafia 3
+at least a couple more im not thinking of atm

Ultimately, I’ve learned the hard way that it’s just not worth it to make any reads unless I have the time to substantiate them with ISO’s and meta.

so what you’re saying is that if we lynch you then at best we catch scum and at worst we kill someone who is actively refusing to make reads or do anything remotely useful


i’d suggest trying to do this instead of defending ur slot cuz rn it’s helping nobody

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mildly interesting fun fact

me/Marshal/Derps collectively make up nearly 50 percent of the total posts in the thread

arete i ask you to disengage and N i ask you to make a read and ignore this conversation

can we do that

i guess yes
i’d rather get mislynched than make reads i’m not confident in (and the latter takes me at least several hours), absolutely

ok stop saying this and make a read

arete stop distracting him


you realize that you can ever make a weak read and then change your mind on it

that is a thing that it is possible to do and it would be more useful than being like ‘wow I’m so helpless and smothered how could this possibly have happened’

arete shut

N ignore arete and choose someone to read

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sorry but i’ve committed to never doing this again, ever

ok literally nobody cares

choose someone to read

make a substantiated read and post it