[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!


A claim is still a claim.

Why would someone fake claim this as mafia?

Canā€™t mafia also role it?

Why would someone claim this early in general?

I doubt

There are many reasons.
Maybe to get Doctor on them.

Reading ~700 rn.

Iā€™m pretty sure that Napoleonā€™s legit here as a wolf would never claim slank vig as thatā€™d force them to waste KP on lurkers.

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Thereā€™s 1 or 2 scum within. Wazza, Hippo, Gypyx

Wazza is the only scum I can see in that group, but thatā€™s because heā€™s null for me

I think theres another more obv reason for him to Do that

My idea was that he claimed that in order to push peoples for activity, not because heā€™s maf

I agree with Sulitā€™s vote. Blueā€™s entrance felt way too self-conscious.

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Alright Iā€™m back. Iā€™m going to go read all the posts again and hope they arenā€™t gonna corrupt my brain with illogical nonsense again.

@Napoleon How is your read of the shadow ers going for you?

Nvm I read your original post wrong

Also wtf is that group

But anyways, i think napo wanted to claim Yogo before the game even started so no point in trying to read that

Yeah I get this, the only thing that pegged me scummy was he was the first person to claim and was risking getting dayvigged by anti-claim mechanics we didnā€™t know, killing a Yogo.

So just dumbtown then?

Yep. Iā€™ve hosted several games here before. People claiming for no reason despite the OP stating that anti-claim mechanics exist is basically a regular occurance here, and 90% of the time it comes from town.

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I am suprised you didnt comment on the gladiate

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