[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!

As he’s kinda confused by the current situation, i think he would be more informed as town

Scumslip ez

Oh noes i got spotted

Meh, l don’t think that’s very AI. Last game I’ve played where he was a wolf, the same thing happened there.

And does he behaves like that as town too?

Yup. He’s somewhat hard to read because of his volume.

good morning

Do you have any scumreads aside from Blue?

Marshal: Neighborizer, and honestly if Marshal is somehow evil who cares about a neighborizer unless its the adaiguerostu clan spider thing somehow. Otherwise seemed pretty towny to me considering he was willing to be insta’d to confirm Vulgard. For some reason. In addition, he fights against Arete’s pressure against N.1 to post things when they haven’t collected their thoughts yet. Pretty town in my eyes for now
Ami: I trust her. him. them. zem. I feel like if I had to choose between Ami and Marshal I’d probably choose Ami, because Marshal is really only a mechanical confirmation for me. However, VulAmi did actually and dayvig for what I see was little reason, so… I’m not really sure.
Zone: They seemed to have studied the game a lot and I like their posts, especially about VulAmi.
N.1: Slight townread, due to being pushed on so much by Arete to get posts out quickly when they don’t have time to think. I also agree with his analysis of Yuzen.
Yuzen: Well, he exists. We know that. Revenge voting is fine in this situation, and I agree with Kyodaz that this is townleaning.

Null: Basically everyone else.
Gypyx: I can’t tell if he is trying to be helpful and failing, subtlely trying to influence people to claim for anti-claim to kill them, or just not doing that.
Arete: Either they are actively trying to read people, or are scum that pushed too hard on me without a valid reason and took it back when they realized that people were siding against them. I’m too inexperienced to tell if Arete’s reading is legit, but if it isn’t, probably scum.
Napoleon: Pretty sure they are dumb, at least, if they are real yogo, considering we don’t know how anti-claim works, and was the first person to claim here. A yogo seems invaluable to town’s efforts to win. Either way pegged as dumbtown
SirDerpsALot: I think he is meming a little to hard, considering the existence of a Yogo. In addition, he says this. https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-rokugan-fm-game-thread-day-1-22-22/80957/883?u=redrover1760 However, its clear they are trying to gamesolve.

Evil maybe?: I think its too early to tell, but then again I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to reading evils D1. I’m pretty crabby at it, but I’ll guess.
Hippolytus: This post makes me think Hippo is scummy. Anti-informationism is what scum wants. We should be asking more questions, not otherwise. I don’t really care about mechanics or masons claims, as scum can have them do as Zone said. https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-rokugan-fm-game-thread-day-1-22-22/80957/1312?u=redrover1760

Napoleon, Wazza are likely town

Vulgard/Ami is town

Arete/Marshal I am townreading but scared to townread

I dislike BlueStorm but you already know that

I scumread Derps

Zone seems off as well

I missed the bit with bluestorm, what is up with them?

didn’t you post this exact same thing last night

he’s being bluestorm but not town bluestorm

Its an updated version dudue

More of a meta-read. His posts are more relaxed as town and more stiff as scum. His entrance was pretty self-conscious and reminds me a lot of how he played as scum in past games.

He literally only has 3 posts from last time I checked. He is probably just busy.

I’m trying to remember how Kyo plays as scum

does he try to powerwolf

that’s the vibes I got last night

He does. Though he sounds very awkward as scum.

In addition, despite claiming mech confirmed town, Hippo isn’t really using his confirminess to actually do much, from what I’ve seen.