Where can I find the classes he made then?
No that would be an FoL
there could be neutrals tho.
You can’t. That’s the beauty of this. It’s a closed set up meaning we have abilities but we must rely on scum reads instead of confimability.
Send out our cards now. Let them confirm later
But that would result in dead game
Good game is better to play than Dead game rite?
It’s not going to be dead just send out our classes now
Ok but if it dies then rip
Rolling The Classes, you 5 tho still have to confirm your pre in, make sure you do that plz.
Yeah pretty much
I assumed because I just suggested to make sure everyone was still interested it was agiven I was still interested.
but yeh im interested
hey theres no class list
can there be multiples of the same town role or is that also hidden?
Yes there can as long as it’s not unique
Do we say confirm if we have a role?
No you only say it if you are mafia
Yeah you do
I still haven’t sent all of them yet tho
So if someone doesn’t have a class, dw you will get it
But wait I forgot to say something… you don’t know whether your class is unique or not…