[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

now is not the time :worried:

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Ok nk lets work together to improve the insentive to improve town play

i have an idea

how about we both go away, im stepping away from this dumpsterfire i created

lets both calm down instead of bitching at each other

If you wanna do more then sure I don’t mind that I don’t think I’ll change how I feel about you now but it’s going to go nowhere

Some people are going to get warned if not banned after this game is over the way things are going.

fuckshits (yw min <3)

Just block each other for a few hours please
You are actively making thread a toxic environment that nobody wants to be in

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they don’t listen “what could be stronger than a town tracker” “why did Gorta throw away town tracker” it never ends and was just going to clog the thread

It was beneficial

I know, but my intuition is powerful, so if I can survive then I can catch scum

What are you thinking?

light lock town confirmed

seems as tired of this shit as i am

at least thats one good thing to come out of this, light is basically guaranteed town at this point

also its 12:55, i need to go to bed

sorry for derailing the thread (this was the opposite of what i was trying to do btw)


Everytime I talk I’m toxic now how was the conversation toxic other then me getting insulted if I’m town apparently gghana will jump off a bridge ect.

Like I genuinely cannot understand how I’m being rood.

I wasn’t going to say “Guys kill Gorta D2” just so you know.
As I figured that of my scum reads, the one on you was the one I was thinking was most likely to be wrong.

I’m just theorising a legitmate theory that makes sense from past nk games I’ve seen

It’s beneficial because now they can stop obsessing over me “throwing out town tracker”

I can’t argue against that.
Besides I find it hard to be mad at you for long.

The entire point of Towncred.

Currently, Wiisp picked miller over cop and Eevee is suspecting Wiisp of picking miller for towncred.

Who do you believe? (I couldn’t think of a better question since it’s 1 am for me.

I guess that claim is used to possibly get away with claiming town as mafia? How experienced is Wiisp?

aw hecc dat is typing

According to Wiisp themselves, they are a veteran player.

like it’s quite interesting.

Oh yeah I forgot that Wiisp’s defense is that he thought that Psychiatrist was useless

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