[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I don’t know how I feel about that

Hey yall Mod here again,

This has been really out of control. This is my final warning to all of you, any more directed hate/name calling will not be taken lightly. This is meant to be a fun open game of solving, not whos the one who can throw the most slurs, or make people not even want to play the game. If I see any more of it, I will personally have to step in and remove ya from this game. TAKE A BREAK if ur any bit angry or emotional, dont use others you barely know as your outlet. These are real people on the other end of the screen. They can be hurt by what you say, even if you dont think what u say is offensive it can be.

So if ur feeling angry or mean spirited leave take a break, follow the golden rule of treat others how u want to be treated. Like cmon be adults and even if u arent an adult act like one. Stop being petty stop being a bully.



I’m gonna talk about it later since I’m half asleep.

If I ever get on by EOD, we should start talking about possible scenarios.

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READ quoted post, so you all have seen the warning. I will not take anymore of this and you will be replaced out on the spot


I saw it, but you know I wouldn’t do that stuff

alright so

was about to fall asleep

but what if all of the people who are making lots of dramaposts (I don’t want to name them) are actually black goos/paranoid gun owners

just a thought

anyways need to go back to bed

I doubt that Merc would add several black goo roles


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isn’t it randomized

I mean it would explain a lot :omegalul:

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WotM would be applied there I feel

anyways back to bed

There is no way in hell that Merc would allow several starting black goos in one game

I come back and people are still doing that, “I have a bigger dick than you”
yikes man

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I think its for the best of town to try to answer a question or at least not answer it in that way, if you don’t have reads you don’t have reads say that, but don’t dunk on the guy trying to get people to participate

but since you wanna be that way, I expect some dank reads at some point

No not forcing reads are not gonna be correct.

so what exactly are you doing?
is it really that hard to give 3 names you kinda don’t like?
you people act like if you 180 a read an orphan will die somewhere

I don’t give reads i don’t believe in period.

then go find something to believe in

I have been trying to atleast