[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

But I doubt

w-wait a second don’t i have a say in this



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This is something you talk about in Scum Chat.

So why do you think I’m scum anyways? Is it because I actually call you out on how anti-town you act?

It’s how you’ve went about both CRich and Eevee.

Buddy PoV.

so you’re salty that I won’t follow your every read, and because it’s literally anti town to kill Eevee rn

You say “oh yeah they might be bad” but don’t do any action don’t show any motivation.

Actions speak louder then wordsZ

Alright fine then sweetie, if you’re such a gUD TOWN PLAEYRR why do we kill Eevee then

You should have voted them when I told you to.
I mean we now know it wasn’t the lynch for today due to TL’s Claim but yet you were afraid to vote for Eevee

do whispers exist in this

Wow that confirmation bias is hitting you like a truck eh? Still haven’t explained why I should vote for them when I gave a 100% legit reason not to.

We get them tomorrow, regardless of Apprentices flip.
We then after get TL if their claim is proven false.
But Eevee priority over TL.

doesn’t counter why I’m not voting for them :slight_smile:

I wish.
I’d be whispering to GGhana, Eevee, CRich and Tsumugi regularly.

If that was the case

excuse me why am i not on that list