[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Usually* anti-town, simply because there are more town than scum.
And, yes, once again, that points to all investigative results being skewed. Which we then simply need to adjust for in the future, if it’s confirmed.

Yeah so, after comparing stuff im definitely scumreading AT

doesnt look like hes acting very similar at all to that game. he’s more so clinging onto other peoples reads and talking about them but he has barely made any by himself.

Also, his vote on TL is, literally the most bad vote you could place in this game

Im adding pressure to this rn cuz idontlikeit right now

/Vote ATNoName

As far as I can tell it can only target town vanillas.

That’s… not how it works.

If alignment attempt was scum, he would be scum.

No, alien psychotrooper has to be rolled to be able to exist in a set up?

As I said - someone would need to roll alien psychotrooper AND another scum role for psychotrooper to exist in this setup, cause there is no reason for psychotrooper to exist as town.


Refusing to answer questions is not dodging them.

I’m not deflecting them to other topic.
There are just certain stuff which I will refuse to do.


If that’s true then I agree with you in killing app one way or another it’s just cuz if it’s not a town target we could figure that out

Hi eevee

Excuse me.

I was called idiot, stupid, fuck off, looser, fucker in this game.
Then I’m forced to do stuff, I don’t want to do.

No, not asked, forced.

And I’m being meanie?
I try to be reasonable here. If I was mean, I would just kill all people who tried to offend me to the point of mods interfering with the game twice to stop name calling.

There is only one person who is actually try to talk with me in this game, rest was trying to call me names and force me like theirs private slave.

I’m not your slave.
And if you think I am the one being mean, when there are insults all over the game against me, then something is really wrong in your sense of equality.

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Literally nobody thinks this

Of note: Out of the 4 people who have cross-claimed, Apprentice or Tsumugi seem to make the most sense to remove, and if there is a psychotrooper, Apprentice does us the least damage. If there isn’t a psychotrooper, then Apprentice and Tsumugi are most likely the scum and are the least helpful to town out of that group.


@eevee It’s okay, honey. I still love you, no matter what any of those jerks say.

The only person who insulted you was soul, and then light. Not the entire game like ur making it out to be

People are going to get upset when you act smart and constantly make others feel dumb when they ask you questions you don’t like and replying “duh” to every post i made on u like I’m pretty sure I can be rightfully upset at that and I literally didn’t insult you or pushing you like a slave ? Like you’re saying I am

You don’t tell people that you don’t wanna answer their questions you’re smart about it and it makes people mad like you can simply say “I don’t want to answer this” or “this question isn’t a good question” believe it or not some people get upset at passive aggressiveness

soul isn’t here so that’s one person who won’t insult you

I asked light not to say that word again

I’m pretty sure seth called you looser as a joke but even then I’d take anyrhinf seth says with a grain of salt

I’m just not understanding this POV where you’re claiming I was mean to you when I was upset because I was being talked down to and i haven’t been and I’m still not being talked to like a normal person. I feel like I’m basically being treated like a dumb baby who doesn’t know anything

I’m not sure why people keep putting me at higher standards when I’m not that good at all. Just because I’m knowledgeable doesn’t mean I’m good at fm so if you’re going to complain about how annoying and dumb and emotional I am then you could at least try and not act like I’m this forumlord who knows everything

I don’t even wanna be in this game because literally nobody has talked to me decently and then you guys talk about how emotional or some shit yeah like maybe 3 people actually have conversations with me and talk to me normally?

If you really think a valid response to this is “lul ur sensitive suck it up” or some dumb shit like that I genuinely have no words. It takes nothing to not be passive aggressive towards another human being for simply asking a question you like. If you don’t wanna answer that, just say it don’t treat them like they’re dumb

Hit me right in the feels. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

What does this mean srry I’m tired lol

I know the feeling.


Yeah I’m sorry

I’m just

:smile_cat::smile_cat::smile_cat: this is not that fun of a game honestly but I’m gonna pull thru it

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I didn’t talk to you decently? :cry: I thought I was doing okay.