[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

better than hero shooting, plus we have 2 vigilantes so we’re not totally screwed

You’re fine in my book at least.

so what i’m hearing is we shoot each other great

you think so sure, but i know this site and i know people get pissed when PRs claim like this before absolutely necessary

Only negative now is our TP’s are spread THIN among all the PR claims

i mean basically everyone has claimed now so


I’ve been reading for five hours straight and I still have a thousand posts to go

Y’all need to shut up

Can we claim our roles after we do things, not before, thanks

at this point idc, i’ll get a shot off tonight if i die i die
would i like protection yes
would it be better to protect better players with KP than me probably

Do you have any thoughts?

I mean, if claiming at all is grounds for elimination then you’ve done your part to play well and it’s on the other players at that point. <- Totally not bitter.

i know did you miss my “wah im sorry for claiming” post

i’m lost in the thread, we have another vig, and i don’t trust myself to shoot with no input

Oh i know we have.
2 Vig claims.
2 Cop Claims

also why are you reading the end of the thread instead of the rest of the thread :thonk:

currently my readlist is composed of “everyone who claimed, I trust their claims”

i did that
it’s called laziness

I started reading at SoD2

and then kinda gave up just now after I noticed that my gap actually grew in the last 30 mins

yeah but cloned is saying he read it for 5 hours straight (which i doubt but whatever)

It’s almost like all of the players other than my slot picked the roles they wanted.


Really nothing at all?

i didn’t get to pick -_-

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