[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Tbh i thought vengeful worked like hunter retribution here lol

Only super saint works like hunter retribution


Ok good to know

Did anyone really defend AT?

This literally means nothing to me nor should it for everyone.

“Purposely” is a bit of a reach

You’re aware you’re late to that

I think you do have to admit that he did leave out a lot of posts that added context to what Min was saying, thats why I think the push was in bad faith

Idk me too ghana but I wanna give gorta the benefit of the doubt here

Not even AT.

Maybe? But purposely? Idk

Get this though

AT’s SR’s are Me and Min.


This train is pretty clean outside Osie, and there is no use crying over spilt milk

Min, I just want to say that I don’t like your tone this game. Normally I can read you somewhat well and you don’t seem as laid back. That might be because you hate this game, but still I don’t like your tone. It feels different

By the way

If this is actually a town vengeful here and kills Ghana/Arctic they are willingly throwing and I’ll just say that’s beyond screwed up on many levels no matter how much you hated this game

I guess the post just felt really forced, like he copied your read either to get you on his side then when we called him out on it he had to go digging for anything to support it because he didnt actually have an argument planned out (which doesnt feel very townie imo)

It can be filed under the zone report


That’s fine I don’t need everyone to like my tone

It’s maybe because I feel like garbage but whatever I’m not gonna change it cuz you don’t like it because I don’t have reason to now

Maybe not now, but when?